my career aspiration and how I see myself in 10 years from now!

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

My name is Amyra Intan Faliha Rosyadi (1610811220007). I'm from Simpang Empat, Tanah Bumbu. I'll describe my career aspiration and what will I become 10 years from now.

First, for information, I still can't believe that I can make it to studied in civil engineering. So I'm very excited to describe my target in life. Then, here we go!

Most of all I want to graduate from college in 4 years. After that I want to find a job, my dream job is be a contractor. But if I can't be a contractor, maybe I'll just sign to public works service, be a government employee. I'll work hard until I fulfill my family needs and make my parents happy. Just after that, then I will pursue my dreams. Take  master's program in civil engineering, preferably abroad. Travelling to a place that I never visited. Climb every famous mountains in Indonesia. Then, when I was quite tired and happy enough doing those dreams, I'll find a right person, get married and have a little happy family of my own. Most important thing, I really hope myself 10 years from now is a successful contractor.

That's all the view of my career, 10 years from now.


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